Our debut production was the WE ARE THE UPSETTERS scratch night in June 2019.
In this first show, we sold-out a double performance at the Bunker Theatre which showcased five short plays. We had 34 creatives and crew involved, 32 of them from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) backgrounds. Thanks to the success of that show, the Bunker Theatre has invited us to stage a week-long festival in their Spring 2020 season.
Both performances were relaxed and captioned using The Difference Engine, our matinee was baby-friendly (and we had 14 babies and toddlers in the audience), we paid every creative involved and we partnered with Purple Moon Drama to commission one of the shorts to be developed into a full-length piece.
Check out a review by Pocket Sized Theatre on our scratch night: https://bit.ly/2XqyNtS