A series of abolitionist educational videos about the function of the police and the failures of policing reforms in the UK. Produced by THE UPSETTERS, Abolitionist Futures, Prisoner Solidarity Network and The World Transformed.
The Failure of Reform
The first video created looks at why police and prison reforms are destined to fail and why abolition the the solution. It asks, if police and prisoners are the answer then why are communities still unsafe despite the industry booming.
The Function of the Police
The second video explores why the police were formed and what function they serve in society today. It questions if police really do what we think they do, and if there are perhaps better ways to keep us safe.
Abolitionist Futures is a collaboration of community organisers and activists in Britain and Ireland who are working together to build a future without prisons, police and punishment. They share information and resources to strengthen the network of existing and emerging abolitionist groups and allied organisations. Their aim is to support the flourishing of a diverse, vibrant and powerful abolitionist movement in the Britain and Ireland.
The Prisoner Solidarity Network is a group of people committed to dismantling the criminal justice system and building a society based on collective care. Their members include people inside and outside of prisons. Some of them are ex-prisoners and some are children, partners, or friends of people inside. Many of them are survivors of interpersonal and state violence. Some of them come to this work through their values rather than direct experience of the prison system.
The World Transformed is an annual festival and year-round political education project. Their first festival took place in 2016, as an attempt to revitalise the left’s presence at the Labour Party conference, bridge the gap between the parliamentary and social movement left, and develop a space for radical, participatory and creative political education.