Help fund our work to champion artists of colour in the culture sector.
If you can spare it, our suggested donation is one hour of the London Living Wage a month.
Why the London Living Wage?
Often artists are not paid for their time and efforts. We don't think this is right. Just for a one night performance, at least 12 hours of work goes into rehearsals, tech, working on scripts, etc.
One year of donations is the equivalent to paying one artist for the time they put into making art happen.
What if I can’t afford that much?
If you can't spare it then that's no problem at all. Whatever you can afford to give, whether it's a small monthly contribution or a one-off donation, will help us to bring amazing artists of colour to the forefront so that they can take up the space that they deserve.
Where does the money go?
Money raised goes towards paying artists and helping us to deliver our work, this includes productions, workshops, accessibility and much more. We also use income to cover on-going business costs such as website hosting or banking fees. Finally, and perhaps most crucially of all, your donations help towards fundraising larger pools of money by forming part of our match-funding.
Having a regular income which we can predict is vital for our development. Although our suggested donation is one month of the London Living Wage, you could support us for as little as the price of a coffee and knowing we have that regular income every month allows us to effectively plan for the future.
Finally, we want to say THANK YOU.
Even if you don't donate today, we appreciate you showing up and taking the time to read this page. You can help us further by sharing this page with your friends, family and on social media to help spread the word.